Carey College Old Boys' Union membership is open to all past students

1) Ordinary members, the annual subscription is Rs.1000/-

2) Life membership, any ordinary member could be eligible for life membership upon payment of a sum of Rs.3,500/-

3) Hony. Life membership is conferred on a member who has rendered distinguished and meritorious service towards the attainment of the objects of the union or who has achieved eminence in his respective professional field including sports according to specified criteria laid down by the Executive Committee or has distinguished himself at national or international level bringing credit to the OBU. Recommendation for life membership will be on a resolution moved by the Executive Committee and adopted at the AGM. No membership fee is payable.

(any member of the clergy who is a past student is exempted from the membership fee)

“Centenary Blitz” is a quarterly news bulletin published to provide the membership with information about the activities of the Union and school. It is issued free of charge.

How to Apply for the Membership

How to Apply


Deposit membership fee to the Bank OR simply Scan The QR code with your mobile phone “SeylanPay” app and make the payment

Download the payment receipt or collect the deposit slip from the bank

Make ready all required documents as in the "Requirements"

Go to Apply Online by clicking on the button

Fill the online form

Upload relevent documents in correct sections

Submit The Application by clicking on "Submit Application" button

Copy of bank deposit/payment slip of the membership fee (*for Online applicants)

Apply Online


Download the application by clicking on "Download Application" button

Fill the application form correctly

Handover the properly filled applycation to the OBU membership secratary, along with required documents and membership fee

Download Application


Correctly completed application form (not applicable for online applications)

Passport Size recently taken photograph
(* 250px x 250px soft copy for online applicants)

Copy of School Leaving Certificate

If you are a member of a Old Boys' batch, a group picture. (*Optional)

Copy of bank deposit/payment slip of the membership fee (*for Online applicants)

Online applicants should ready scanned copies of all above before stating application process.

Bank Details

Carey College Old Boys' Union

0320- 13429425-001

Seylan Bank - Cinnamon Gardens Branch

Branch Code - 0320

Bank Code - 7287

Branch Abbreviation - CGD


Pay with Seylan QR via SeylanPay app